Western States 100 Coverage
I've compiled a quick list of Western States 100 race coverage so bookmark this page and come back!
At the time of this posting there are still runners on the course in pursuit of the coveted belt buckles. I'm sending prayers to each and every one of them that they meet their goals, belt buckle or not!
Great write up in the Roseville Press Tribune
Awesome gallery at the Sacramento Bee site
Profile of an runner from the Tahoe Tribune
Twitter of course has tons of real time coverage from people on the course, following the race and actually working as volunteers.
Click on the link on the hashtag #WS100 to see all the tweets related to the race.
Twitter user and fellow runner @chmpgnepolitics took this photo at the finish line!
There's a Ustream page dedicated to the finish, you can pretend you are there!
I will attempt to insert the code here, if you don't see it try the link above.
Live Broadcasting by Ustream
At the time of this posting there are still runners on the course in pursuit of the coveted belt buckles. I'm sending prayers to each and every one of them that they meet their goals, belt buckle or not!
Great write up in the Roseville Press Tribune
Awesome gallery at the Sacramento Bee site
Profile of an runner from the Tahoe Tribune
Twitter of course has tons of real time coverage from people on the course, following the race and actually working as volunteers.
Click on the link on the hashtag #WS100 to see all the tweets related to the race.
Twitter user and fellow runner @chmpgnepolitics took this photo at the finish line!
There's a Ustream page dedicated to the finish, you can pretend you are there!
I will attempt to insert the code here, if you don't see it try the link above.
Live Broadcasting by Ustream
Our Vacaville runner came in 99th place, and finished under 24 hours! Yay for Steve!